概 述
FCL型弹性套柱销联轴器的特点是结构简单,安装方便,更换容 易,尺寸小,重量轻,因而得到广泛使用,如若安装调整后能保持两轴相对位移量在规定的范围内,则联轴器会有满意的使用性能和较长的工作寿命。因此能广泛用 于载荷不大,由电动机驱动的各种中、小功率传动轴系中,如减速机、起重机、压缩机、输送机、纺织机、卷扬机、球磨机等。
径向位移:0.2~0.6mm 角位移:0°30′~1°30′
Flexible Couplings Model FCLis widely used for its compact designing,easy installation,convenient maintenance,small size and light weight.As long as the relative displacement between shafts is kept within the specified tolerance,B couplings will operate the best function and have a longer working life.Thus it is greatly demanded in medium and minor power transmission systems driven by moters,such as speed reducers,hoists,compressos,conveyers,spinning and weaving machines and ball mills.
Permittable relative displacement:
Radial displacement:0.2~0.6mm
Angle displacement:0°30′~1°30′
外形尺寸参数 Size chart & Parameter