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SMAC 音圈电机|SMAC音圈电机价格

规格1: 规格1未填写
规格2: 规格1未填写
规格3: 规格1未填写
单价: 1.00元/台
起订: 1 台
供货总量: 1 台
发货期限: 自买家付款之日起 1 天内发货
有效期至: 2013-11-20 [已过期]
最后更新: 2013-04-06 17:05
浏览次数: 1084

Continuous Force
Peak force applied for duration
shorter than 0.4 sec. in
one second interval.
(force mode): 40% of peak
force, continuous
Force Mode:
The specified current may be
applied continuously to generate
the desired force, the
recommended continuous
force limit should be set in
the control program.
In vertical operation, the
actuator rod will drop when
power is cut off. A rod in the
lowered position may be
damaged by other moving
parts in the machine. A
return spring (if installed) will
keep the rod raised. A safety
lock-out should be installed
in the machine program to
confirm the rod location
before another interfering
component can be moved.
SMAC actuators are
equipped with these safety
• Limit Switches: indicates
• Index Line/Home Position:
used to monitor absolute
• Break away shaft (optional)
Unintentional full force may be
applied continuously under the
following conditions:
• missed target position
• excessive friction
• equipment malfunction,
i.e. jam
If left undetected, this can
cause destruction of the coil in
some units. Servo program
should perform these checks
• Re-home: assure target
position has not shifted
beyond end of stroke
• Time-outs:
shut power down within 10
seconds of error detection
• Following Error Limits:
software safety
• Check limit switches
• Check temperature sensor
Many of the standard actuators
listed in the following
pages are compatible with
both add-on options and
modifications.In addition to
the standard vacuum and
spring option SMAC can
offer the following modifications
subject to approval by
the factory.
Linear Guide
Increased rigidity and side
load tolerance can be gained
by using a higher specification
“wide guide”. Additionally
in force sensitive applications
we can fit a low friction
Double Coil
The addition of an extra coil
can enhance both force and
Extended nose bushing with
increased side load tolerance
are available on many
models.We can also offer
scraper and wiper seals
around the shaft to protect
the bearings from excessive
wear in harsh environments.
Custom Shafts
In addition to the standard
male/female rod-ends we
can also offer options such
as “break-away” shafts and
custom shaft diameters.
Flying Lead
In place of the standard
chassis connector we can
offer a flying lead option.
If a longer life rotary is
required, then we can fit a
brushless rotary motor.
Cable Options
Whenever an SMAC actuator
is being manipulated on
any 3rd party device such as
a gantry or multi-axis robot,
SMAC strongly recommends
that a superflex cable is
used. Cable lengths can be
increased from the standard
3 meters up to a maximum
of 10 meters.
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