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规格1: 规格1未填写
规格2: 规格1未填写
规格3: 规格1未填写
单价: 面议
发货期限: 自买家付款之日起 3 天内发货
有效期至: 2013-11-20 [已过期]
最后更新: 2012-11-06 18:22
浏览次数: 1006

环保锂电池的主要规格 / 特殊功能:
·         电池组技术参数:
·         电池Pack方式:单体或组合
·         电压:兼容4V 6V 12V 24V 36V铅酸蓄电池
·         容量:200mAh~200Ah
·         内阻:50~300mΩ
·         功率:0.5W~5000W
·         尺寸:可根据客户尺寸量身定做
·         充电方式:恒流恒压
·         最大充电电流:500mA~5000mA
·         最大工作电流:500mA~5000mA
·         单体电芯技术参数(量身定作可根据客户要求设计-电压/容量/尺寸/形状):
·         型号:li-polymer cell or lithium ion
·         电压:3.7V~37V
·         容量:200mAh~200Ah
·         内阻:50mΩ~200mΩ
·         尺寸:随意性强,任意尺寸mm
·         循环次数:>500次
·         保护电路技术参数:可定做各种电池的保护电路、充放电管理电路、恒流恒压电路、稳压电路、升压电路、降压电路等
·         过充电保护电压:4.3V±0.1V*N
·         过充电恢复电压:4.05V±0.05V*N
·         过放电保护电压:2.4V±0.1V*N
·         过电流检测电流:3.0A±1A*N
·         环境技术参数:
·         充电温度:0~+45℃
·         放电温度:-25~+60℃
·         贮存温度:短期(1个月内)-20~60℃
·         中期(3个月内)-20~45℃
·         长期(1年内)-20~20℃
·         荷电保持能力:标准充电后,在标准环境条件下贮存30天,再以0.2C放电至3.0V所放出的容量>90%
·         振动测试、跌落测试、短路试验、过充试验、过放试验不起火、不爆炸、不冒烟、不破裂、漏液
·         应用于:直接替换铅酸电池的环保锂电池、电蚊拍环保锂电池、电子秤环保锂电池、玩具环保锂电池、灭蚊拍环保锂电池、手电筒环保锂电池、充电风扇环保锂电池、应急灯环保锂电池、物联网设备电池、RFID电池、电子标签电池、电子钱包电池、电子支付设备电池、LED矿灯电池、LED头灯电池、LED探照灯电池、LED搜索灯电池、LED钓鱼灯电池、LED野营灯电池、LED工作灯电池、LED割胶灯电池、LED狩猎灯电池、LED打猎灯电池、LED路灯电池、太阳能路灯电池、LED户外灯电池、LED移动照明灯电池、LED手电筒电池、LED庭院灯电池、LED草坪灯电池、LED草地灯电池、LED景观灯电池、太阳能草坪灯电池、太阳能道钉灯电池、太阳能地砖灯电池、大阳能地埋灯电池、太阳能广告灯箱电池、太阳能高杆灯电池、太阳能野营灯电池、手提灯电池、太阳能手提灯电池、LED手提灯电池、LED聚光灯电池、智能探照灯电池、野外作业灯电池、手提充电灯电池、手摇手电筒电池、手摇野营灯电池、LED作业灯电池、LED自行车灯电池、LED自行车尾灯电池、充电照明灯电池、强光探照灯电池、HID手电筒电池、航空障碍灯电池、太阳能障碍灯电池、高空障碍灯电池、航标灯电池、充电手电筒电池、太阳能手电筒电池、瓦斯报警矿灯电池、HID氙气灯电池、卤素灯电池、巡逻灯电池、HID搜索灯电池、交通信号灯电池、充电LED日光灯管电池、应急LED日光灯管电池、营地灯电池、夜钓灯电池、LED警示灯电池、LED发光衣服电池、LED闪烁灯电池、LED荧光板备用电池、LED应急两用灯管电池、LED应急灯管电池、吸顶灯电池、感应灯电池、消防安全出口灯电池、3.6V/3.7V聚合物电池、7.2V/7.4V 2串聚合物电池组、10.8V/11.1V 3串聚合物电池组、12V锂电池组、14.4V/14.8V 4串锂电池组、18V/18.5V 5串锂电池组、21.6V/22.2V 6串锂电池组、25.2V/25.9V 7串锂电池组、28.8V/29.6V 8串锂电池组、32.4V/33.3V 9串锂电池组、36V/37V 10串锂电池组圆柱锂电池、聚合物电池、锰酸锂电池、磷酸铁锂电池、锂离子电池等产品等。
Ambient Conditions
Operating Temperature
Charging temperature: 0 to 45 degrees Celsius
Discharging temperature: -20 to 60 degrees Celsius
Storage Temperature
Less than 1 month: -20 to 45 degrees Celsius
More than 6 months: -20~ +350C
Humidity: 65±20% RH
Product Features
●Pollution-free:Lithium ion battery does not contain heavy metal pollutants such as cadmium, lead, mercury and so on.
●Long cycle life: Charge and discharge cycles are ordered more than 500 times (with 80% capacity remained)。
●Low self-discharge: self-discharge less 10% per month.
●No memory effect:the state of charge before charge does not affect the discharge capacity.
●High energy density: The energy density of lithium battery is higher than that of lead-acid battery, nickel-cadmium battery and nickel-hydrogen battery. The volume capacity density of lithium battery is 320AH/L and the weight capacity density is 150Ah/kg.
●High operating voltage: The average working voltage of single cell is 3.7V.
●External short circuit test:After fully charged, the battery is short-circuited by conductor with the resistance of less than 5 0m Ω; the battery does not cause fire or explode.
●Pinpricking test:The battery should be fixed on the fixture of the safety device and beaten forcefully by the steel nail with the diameter of 2.5 mm, so that it is fully penetrated; the battery leaks and generates heat; the battery does not cause fire or explode.
●Thermal shock test:After fully charged, the battery is put into the oven and heated to 150℃at the rate of 5℃/min, which should be preserved for 30 minutes; the battery bulges and generates heat; the battery does not cause fire or explode.
●Overcharge test:Battery should be charged under the condition of 3C magnification and 5V voltage; battery does not cause fire or explode.
●Performances meets the requirements of UL, CE, RoHS, UN38.3,MSDS, and more
●Thickness could be adjusted while width and height keep the same
●flexible physical dimension
●Different dimension and capacity is available
●PCB and battery pack are also available
●12 month warranty
●Excellent Safety
Use a specified charger
keep the battery in a cool dry surrounding if it stands by.
Do not short circuit the battery terminals
DO not disassemble the battery
DO not throw the battery into fire or heat
We provide many different kinds of batteries for pack usage , all products are CE UL UN38.3 MSDS and RoHS certificated , high quality , good price , if you have any demand , pls let us know , we do the best to cooperate with you.
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