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规格1: 规格1未填写
规格2: 规格1未填写
规格3: 规格1未填写
单价: 5.00元/个
起订: 1000 个
供货总量: 100000 个
发货期限: 自买家付款之日起 10 天内发货
有效期至: 2012-09-15 [已过期]
最后更新: 2011-09-16 11:21
浏览次数: 1069

This 100% certified Organic Cotton Mask is made with three layers of soft, natural colour cotton. The mask is very effective at reducing exposure to dust, pollen, mould, dander and lint. It filters 83% of particles down to one micron. No dyes or bleach have been used on the organic cotton. Adjustable non-organic, natural cotton twill ear loops hold the mask in place effectively sealing the area from pollutants. It is naturally latex-free.
There is a possible 3-5% shrinkage if washed or dried with heat. Wash before use.
Hand wash in cool water with an unscented detergent that does not leave a residue to clog the filter. Do not rub as rubbing could rearrange the weave of the fabric. Rinse well. To dry the mask quickly roll it in a terry cloth towel. Alternatively, hang the mask to dry. 
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