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单价: 8.00元/顶
起订: 1000 顶
供货总量: 200000 顶
发货期限: 自买家付款之日起 15 天内发货
有效期至: 2012-09-15 [已过期]
最后更新: 2011-09-16 11:28
浏览次数: 1087

aperboard. Baseball caps are made of all types of material and shaped in various styles for different purposes. Major league baseball players wear classic-style caps made of wool (or, more recently, polyester) with their team's simple logo and colors; the logo is usually embroidered into the fabric. Caps used by players may sometimes have sunglasses attached to the peak that can be flippeA baseball cap is a type of soft cap with a long, stiff bill that may either be curved or flat. The back of the cap may have a plastic, Velcro, or elastic adjuster so that it can be quickly adjusted to fit different wearers. While the baseball cap is specifically associated with those who play the game of baseball, it is often worn as a fashion statement as well as semi practical headgear. It is very popular in the United States and Japan. Traditionally, the bill is worn forward, shielding the eyes from the sun, but it is also often worn backwards or at other angles. People with long hair in a ponytail may pull it through the gap in the cap above the adjustor. Fitted baseball caps, suited to a particular headsize, lack an adjuster. The cap is normally sewn in six sections, and may be topped with a matching fabric-covered button on the crown. Metal grommets or fabric eyelets are often sewn or attached near the top of each of the six sections of fabric to provide ventilation. In some cases, the rear sections of the crown are made of net-like mesh material for extra ventilation. The bill is typically stiffened by a sewn in piece of pd down when the player must look into the sky, but kept flipped up at other times.
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