输精前预备有效输精取决于母猪的怀孕能力,因此断奶母猪应保持良好的体况,断奶后可以实行催情补饲,促进母猪早发情正常排卵,另外母猪受精后40天要减少各种应激如并圈打针疫苗等。顺精过程中应留意的题目掌握最佳树精时间准确的发现母猪发情正确掌握母猪受孕最佳时机是保证母猪受孕成败的枢纽,母猪发情一般由高兴转为发呆压背时有静立反映,阴户粘液由淡薄变粘稠,此为第一次输精时机,假如能正确掌握输精时机只需一次就能保证良好的受胎率和产仔率,第二次输精是增加受孕的保证系数,距离时间是生产母猪是12小时经产母猪12-18小时,出产过程中应正视第一次输精,避免多次输精,断奶后一周以上泛起静立反映的可以立刻输精。要保证母猪生殖道健康母猪产后如发生生殖道感染等严峻炎症,不及时处理会影响下次受胎因此在出产中发现母猪有生殖道炎症及产后疾病要及时治疗,不能等到边输精边治疗,这样就得不偿失从而影响母猪的使用年限严峻的照成母猪淘汰,投料后不易1小时前不易马长进行输精,或者配种前一小时不喂料,这样可以避免余热照成精子死亡,而且猪吃料后血液轮回再胃肠部母猪XY低不愿走动,轻易返情。 良多人以为这样可以促进母猪发情,实在适得其反,比拟较而言,母猪的发情状况不见得比分开饲养好,但是公猪的自淫会增加,XY减退,非正常淘汰率升高,研究发现公猪和母猪自小养在一起,对其性行为按捺作用。因此人工受精是西方养猪史上引进和发展最快的一项现代化技术。
母猪在输前至少一小时避免接近公猪或者闻到公猪气息,这样可以避免母猪高兴度,对输精和受孕不利,对于返情的母猪可以把它赶到公猪栏接触公猪,2次天天每次5min母猪输精过程中不宜受到外界应激,受精过程是一个复杂的生理过程,子宫和输卵管在激素和神经的共同下按一定规律运动,以促进精子和卵子的结合运行及着床,因此母猪在输精时要单栏饲养,提供恬静的安静的环境另一方面输精时间要安抚母猪,动作不宜出暴过急,防止母猪过度紧张,输精过程要3——10分钟,输精后的处理输精完不要立刻打扫战场走人或者换下一头母猪,还应继承对母猪进行刺激,一般要求输精刺激应从输精前8分钟到持续到完成后15分钟,在输精后不要用力拍打母猪臀部,这样会让母猪臀部肌肉收缩减少部门精液流出,使母猪受到惊吓后臀部开释肾上腺素对抗催产素等是生殖激素,这样会减弱母猪子宫收缩影响精子向子宫游动,对精子和卵子会有影响,实际上受精前后应激对受孕率都有影响精液倒流会使子宫内精液减少,因此在输精过程中要仔细观察,假如精液倒流大要从此输精,但在一次输精要距离2小时,好让母猪得到休息输精结束后十分钟内要避免母猪卧下,母猪卧下会让腹压增大,易造成精液倒流,假如母猪自己窝下应轻轻的驱赶,不可粗暴对待造成对母猪的应激,另外还要避免母猪饮凉水凉水会刺激胃肠收缩造成精液倒流,要避免最后一次输精过晚,由于雌激素会在母猪发情结束后迅速下降,子宫抵挡力迅速下降,这时输精液中的微生物会极易造成子宫感染,精液一般会在母猪生殖道内保持24小时以上,因此超过三次输精对受精并不显著,公猪调教 公猪于母猪不宜饲养在统一栏内。
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Abstract: the preparation before losing fine fine depends on the reproductive effective lose the ability to conceie and, therefore, should maintain good weaned pigs in body, after weaning may practice BuSi aphrodisiac, promote the sow normal ovulation, another estrus early sow 40 days after fertilization to reduce stress such as injection vaccine and circle. The fine process should be the subject of the attention to grasp the best tree essence of accurate time found the sow correctly grasped by estrus sows
Product introduction
Prepare effective before losing fine fine depends on the pregnant sows lose ability, because this was weaned pigs should keep good body condition, after weaning may practice BuSi aphrodisiac, promote the sow normal ovulation, another estrus early sow 40 days after fertilization to reduce stress such as injection vaccine and circle. The fine process should be the subject of the attention to grasp the best tree essence of accurate time found the sow correctly grasp the sow estrus conception is to guarantee the best time to sow in the success or failure of conception, sow hub by happy into estrus general daze pressure with static reflect different made by light change, vulva mucus sticky, this is the first fine time lost, if can grasp lose only a fine time can ensure good conception rate and ChanZaiLv, the second is to increase the conception of lost that coefficient, time is production is from the sow 12 hours of multiparous sows 12 to 18 hours, produce process should face first lose essence, avoid DuoCi lose more than a week after weaning essence, a set of static reflect can immediately lost fine. To ensure that the sow the genital tract health sows in case of the genital tract infection after severe inflammation, not handled in time will affect the next conception so found in its sows have genital inflammation and postpartum disease to want to timely treatment, can't wait for side lose fine edge treatment, the loss outweights the gain so to affect the reproductive use fixed number of year severe as into the sow, after panning out not one hour before not easy to lose fine horse long, or an hour before mating not feed, this can avoid waste heat as into sperm, and eat pig death for blood cycle again after gastrointestinal department to sow XY low walking around, and easily return feeling. People thought this could promote a sow, really do just the opposite, compare with heat is concerned, the reproductive cycle not fed separately in than good, but the boar will increase, since her XY decline, abnormal attrition rate rise, the study found that the boar and sow a together, from early childhood to the sexual behavior had role. So artificial fertilization is raising western history introduction and development of the fastest a modern technology. In the past ten years ZhongZhu artificial insemination technology has made a great progress and breakthrough, through the use of artificial insemination technology, can produce was born speed, high pure commercial, through the war from the over-the-counter princess semen and not introduce a living pigs, can prevent severe disease spread, can also get high quality genetic. In recent years the technology in our country also get faster development, and get good application effect, the author combined with artificial insemination research at home and abroad, the pig in artificial insemination aspects in the work need to pay attention to summarize the subject, for reference only. 母猪在输前至少一小时避免接近公猪或者闻到公猪气息,这样可以避免母猪高兴度,对输精和受孕不利,对于返情的母猪可以把它赶到公猪栏接触公猪,2次天天每次5min母猪输精过程中不宜受到外界应激,受精过程是一个复杂的生理过程,子宫和输卵管在激素和神经的共同下按一定规律运动,以促进精子和卵子的结合运行及着床,因此母猪在输精时要单栏饲养,提供恬静的安静的环境另一方面输精时间要安抚母猪,动作不宜出暴过急,防止母猪过度紧张,输精过程要3——10分钟,输精后的处理输精完不要立刻打扫战场走人或者换下一头母猪,还应继承对母猪进行刺激,一般要求输精刺激应从输精前8分钟到持续到完成后15分钟,在输精后不要用力拍打母猪臀部,这样会让母猪臀部肌肉收缩减少部门精液流出,使母猪受到惊吓后臀部开释肾上腺素对抗催产素等是生殖激素,这样会减弱母猪子宫收缩影响精子向子宫游动,对精子和卵子会有影响,实际上受精前后应激对受孕率都有影响精液倒流会使子宫内精液减少,因此在输精过程中要仔细观察,假如精液倒流大要从此输精,但在一次输精要距离2小时,好让母猪得到休息输精结束后十分钟内要避免母猪卧下,母猪卧下会让腹压增大,易造成精液倒流,假如母猪自己窝下应轻轻的驱赶,不可粗暴对待造成对母猪的应激,另外还要避免母猪饮凉水凉水会刺激胃肠收缩造成精液倒流,要避免最后一次输精过晚,由于雌激素会在母猪发情结束后迅速下降,子宫抵挡力迅速下降,这时输精液中的微生物会极易造成子宫感染,精液一般会在母猪生殖道内保持24小时以上,因此超过三次输精对受精并不显著,公猪调教 公猪于母猪不宜饲养在统一栏内。
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