推广 热搜: 开关  展会  喷枪    磁选机  润滑油  钢板  液晶显示器  钛白粉  油墨 


规格1: 规格1未填写
规格2: 规格1未填写
规格3: 规格1未填写
单价: 面议
发货期限: 自买家付款之日起 3 天内发货
有效期至: 2013-11-20 [已过期]
最后更新: 2011-09-23 09:16
浏览次数: 1137


更多详细信息请登陆:http://www.btmxyz.com  泊头市牧兴养猪设备厂


GaoPei conservation bed are generally adopt metal, plastic floor of the leak, the pigsty structural type points and two fencing type entities. The new life to form to pig market of the whole process, raising listed according to its growth, development period of different physiological characteristic divided into several continuous raising stage. Each a breeding stage are in a certain number of production rhythms, form only in defining pigs each production phase of the water production. To meet the production requirements, each phase of the pig for each production phase of the pig armed only with different types of pig farm equipment. In the row of dung area set for drinking water, usually open door, using pigs activities in a row of feces drinking water, which will waste focused on row area, easy to remove dung. All kinds of casting pig equipment surface should be smooth and, do not allow to have porosity, clip, loose sand, defects; All weld thing to welding firm can be used for the cultivation of the weaning piglets, exercise automatic water, free to feed themselves. Foster column are generally adopt metal, plastic leak, the structure of the pigsty dung floor type points and two entities in fencing. The pigsty structure types of complete sets of equipment for fencing raising the modern technology and modern management measures, the application can make the pig farm equipment industry with the industrial production, the way for pigs to growth, development to provide appropriate conditions, make the growth of pig potential into full play, can improve labor productivity, reduce the pig equipment factory farm land use area, reduce the cost of the investment, and high efficiency, high quality and low consumption production pig products.

More detailed information please visit: http://www.btmxyz.com botou animal husbandry and pig farm equipment factory

ChanChuang sows, pig conservation bed, pig farm equipment factory

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