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规格1: 规格1未填写
规格2: 规格1未填写
规格3: 规格1未填写
单价: 面议
发货期限: 自买家付款之日起 3 天内发货
有效期至: 2013-11-20 [已过期]
最后更新: 2011-10-07 08:32
浏览次数: 1004

产品别名及种类:检验铸铁平台划线铸铁平板铆焊铸铁平台检测铸铁平台钳工铸铁平板刮研铸铁平台 研磨铸铁平台 T型槽铸铁平台等各种铸铁平台系列产品。

更多详细信息请登陆:http://www.bthxzy.com 泊头航星铸物有限公司


Product alias and types: inspection cast iron platform cast iron plate maohan cast iron crossed platform detection platform fitter cast iron plate cast iron scraping research cast iron grinding platform cast iron model T slot platform cast iron platform, etc. Various kinds of cast iron platform series products. 1. The level of plate must be placed!!!!! Want to use level in 90 ° in the direction of the each measure and adjust the level of precision, prevent flat for gravity plane down or loss to accuracy; 2. Lifting, wire rope and slab of thru place should take protection measures; and 3. When using, the work-piece must be handled with care to avoid injury flat surface and ke attention do not have the burr the flat scratch; 4. After use, with the oil with cotton blanket tile in, in case the board face outside and corrosion knock against; 5. Make a three-ply board to (or WuGeBan) wooden cover, in flat need not when buckle in flat and cotton felt it.

More detailed information please visit: http://www.bthxzy.com potow airport star cast objects Co., LTD

Crossed cast iron, cast iron platform inspection platform, T slot platform

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