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有效期至: 2013-11-20 [已过期]
最后更新: 2011-10-07 08:47
浏览次数: 1004


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As "a new generation of broadband wireless mobile communication network" part of the broadband wireless access overall scheme has been in the recent start, at present there are two leading equipment business got special funds funding. "A new generation of broadband wireless mobile communication network" major projects facing 2020 long-term planning, by "the auxiliary a supplement of three parts. Among them, "a Lord" is TD, as a representative of the cellular mobile communication system of subsequent evolution including usually said LTE (long-term evolution) technology, HSPA (high speed packet access) technology, 4 G, etc.; "A complementary" to broadband wireless access is complementary, facing the industry application of broadband multimedia cluster is the main direction of broadband wireless access; "A supplement" is short and in wireless sensor networks is given priority to. The Chinese academy vice-president, a new generation of broadband wireless mobile communication network of national major projects in the total teacher WuHeQuan accept C114 interviews that, major projects broadband wireless access from broadband multimedia cluster cut, and its development direction as the key is with good reason. "Because of the cluster of professional feature is apparent, communication and in the new situation faced with many new professional requirements." He also revealed in the start of the "1025" programming, broadband wireless access will have more reflect. The people did not give the two enterprises's name and the specific amount. But he said, as "a new generation of broadband wireless mobile communication network" is the important component of broadband wireless access and cluster communication system the total budget of more than 14 billion yuan, of which, the central government research funding for about $4 billion, and the rest of form a complete set with a $10 billion investment, the project involved in the enterprise to raise. Enterprises can apply for bank loans, also can apply for local financial investment.

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