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最后更新: 2011-10-07 09:07
浏览次数: 1003







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In the survey, more than 80% of Chinese enterprise belief that the American economy, and the prospects are grim 2009 annual meeting is expected to have more severe recession. This view also logical to reflect on the United States in their cutting tool industry in the near future prospects of the prediction: more than 60% of respondents expected the industry's shipments will decline 20% or above; More than 90% of respondents expected the industry will be shipped at least drop 10%.

Unfortunately, for the export slump domestic demand is also difficult to help. In 2009, and so far, about half of the tool enterprise exports fell, an average decline of 29%.

Most of the cutting tools manufacturers has cut its salary expenses, more than 85% of Chinese enterprise said they first quarter of 2009 in the employment levels drop, and the fourth quarter of 2008, compared to an average 15% of the labor force cuts. Other and labor related levels dropped also include: 70% of the enterprise cut the working hours per week; 35% of the enterprise will be the staff; 49% of the enterprise shortened work time; 23% of the enterprise temporary to close the factory; 16% of the enterprise forced extended vacation time.

A positive factor is: in the past three months, more than 40% of the USCTI member enterprise used in the manufacture of cutting tool materials costs fell down, average level of around 22%. Another 56% of enterprises that raw material prices remain unchanged.

When asked about money problems, 12% of Chinese companies say they raise money for buying equipment and the difficulty of the more big; 44% of Chinese enterprise encountered more restrictive provisions; strong credit 19% of the enterprise need to pay higher interest rates for loan; 70% of the enterprise in the retrieval, accounts receivable when he met more difficult.

According to the American association of cutting tools (USCTI) spring 2009 survey of the members of the association, the enterprise is expected to 2009 for American cutting tool industry will be hard. The survey of the major evaluation tool enterprise to the view several aspects, including: the United States economic prospects, for the cutting of prediction, change the industry shipments of employment levels, the cost of raw materials, product exports, the problem of funds and employee behavior, etc.

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