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规格1: 规格1未填写
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单价: 面议
发货期限: 自买家付款之日起 3 天内发货
有效期至: 2013-11-20 [已过期]
最后更新: 2011-10-07 09:15
浏览次数: 1005

 更多详细信息请登陆:http://www.bthxzy.com 泊头航星铸物有限公司


Attention should be paid to the dust removal equipment choice in the choice of production equipment, most enterprise is often pay attention to sand mixing equipment and regeneration of the quality of the equipment, and ignore the dust removal equipment quality. In fact, the stand or fall of dust removal equipment, the direct impact on the quality and the cost of the renewable sand, if dust removal equipment dust cleaning effect is bad, not only influence the work environment, air pollution, more important is to influence the regeneration sand powder content, its directly result in sand mixing due to join the increased amount of resin and increase the production cost. Want to consider the reliability of the equipment and its maintenance fee equipment manufacturers to processing means, assembling level and equipment level decided their produce equipment reliability, if equipment reliability is poor, equipment failure probability is big, change the number of components is increased, the utilization ratio of equipment was reduced, so, not only increased maintenance the workload of workers, increase the equipment maintenance fee, but also reduce the production efficiency, increase the cost of production. Want to consider the energy consumption of the equipment in meet the technological requirements under the precondition of installed capacity to reduce as far as possible, avoid malah car, make full use of natural resources phenomenon, reduce unnecessary waste energy, and realize the full use of the equipment and maximize the use of energy and increase enterprise benefit and social benefit. More detailed information please visit: http://www.bthxzy.com potow airport star cast objects Co., LTD

Crossed cast iron, cast iron platform inspection platform, T slot platform

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