材 质:镀锌板丝及不锈钢板丝。
特 点:美观、施工便利、吓阻效果好、经济适用、防腐、防老化、抗晒、乃侯等。
分 类:按照安装方法可分为:(蛇腹式)螺旋式刀片刺绳,直线型刀片刺绳,平板式刀片刺绳,刀片刺绳焊接网等。
用 途:广泛用于许多国家的工矿企业,园林公寓,边防哨所,军事领域,监狱,看守所,政府建筑和其他国家的安全设施。
Helical razor barbed wire mesh is powerful formed crossed with stainless steel blade and galvanized steel plate after it opend. It will shaped corssing and beautiful and practical linear shaped blade wire mesh has warious options, the construction way erection, save funds ,quickly and can achieve deterrent effect.
Product features: corrosion resistance, ageing resistance, drying, heat resistance, etc. anticorrosion forms has electric galvanized and hot-dipped galvanized.