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规格1: 规格1未填写
规格2: 规格1未填写
规格3: 规格1未填写
单价: 180.00元/roll/rolls
起订: 100 roll/rolls
供货总量: 1000 roll/rolls
发货期限: 自买家付款之日起 8 天内发货
有效期至: 2012-04-19 [已过期]
最后更新: 2012-03-19 10:22
浏览次数: 1003

                                Razor Barbed Wire
1.Material: galvanized steel wire

2.Razor Barbed Wire is also called  Raor  Barbed Tape Wire .It is a kind of modern security fencing material fabricated with razor sharp steel blade and high tensile wire. Barbed Tape Wire can be installed to achieve the result of frightening and stopping to the aggressive perimeter intruders, with piecing and cutting razor blades mounted at top of  the wall, also the special designs making climbing and touching extremely difficult. The wire and strip and galvanized to prevent corrosion.

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