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Liquid mold making silicone

规格1: 规格1未填写
规格2: 规格1未填写
规格3: 规格1未填写
单价: 面议
起订: 200 kg
供货总量: 8 kg
发货期限: 自买家付款之日起 3 天内发货
所在地: 广东
有效期至: 2013-03-01 [已过期]
最后更新: 2012-03-01 09:24
浏览次数: 1046
Liquid mold making silicone

Liquid mold making silicone
is white or red flowing liquid with general hardness of 22-50A°after curing

Liquid mold making siliconeapplications:

Liquid silicone rubber for mold making is primarily intended for poly resin crafts,PU crafts,PU resin crafts ,gypsum crafts ,unsaturated resin crafts, lighting and candles crafts ,plastic toy , stationery gifts crafts industry, a large statue Buddha, relievo furniture, furniture decorative materials, statues Buddha, artifacts copied, building decoration materials, large-scale cement mold, artificial fossils Factory and so on.

Liquid mold making silicone features

resistance to deformation,

high-temperature resistance

acid-alkali resistance

expansion as well as high reproduction times,

good tensile strength ,

Strong Tear strength

Good elongation

Low shrinkage

Long shelf time which can reach at least 1 years

Liquid mold making silicone operations

Step One:
Take 100g of part A and add 2g of part B and mix the Liquid silicone rubber for mold making and curing agent evenly.

tep Two: vacuum pumping

Note:Without exception, this step takes less than 10 minutes. Otherwise, The mixture of silicone rubber will cause , and no more further steps will be available.That`s a waste of liquid mould silicone rubber.

Step Three:
Brushing cast & Perfusion Molding operation( further detail operation steps you want to know,pls do not hesitate to contact us!)

Liquid mold making silicone 
standard datasheet:
Viscosity (cs)
Hardness (A0)
Tensile Strength (kgf/c)
Tear Strength (kgf/)
Elongation (%)
Mixing ratio (%)
Operating Time(H)
Curing Time(H)

 FAQ of liquid Liquid mold making silicone

1.Why is the appearance of the finished mold striate and unsmooth?
It is because the appearance of the product or the model itself is not perfect, and it has not been polished before the further operation. So when you make silicon molds, firstly you should polish the product, spray the Liquid silicone rubber for mold making mold spray evenly on the product. In this case, the problem can be avoided.

Any questions of Liquid mold making silicone please feel free to contact Aaron:
TEL: 086-755-89948006
FAX: 086-755-89948030
Website: www(dot)szrl(dot)net
E-MAIL: xu2478276(at)msn(dot)cn
Skype : aaronxu9
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