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规格1: 规格1未填写
规格2: 规格1未填写
规格3: 规格1未填写
单价: 0.50元/个
起订: 1000 个
供货总量: 600000 个
发货期限: 自买家付款之日起 2 天内发货
所在地: 广东 深圳市
有效期至: 2013-06-19 [已过期]
最后更新: 2013-05-10 15:02
浏览次数: 1062
 TOREX XC6204具有高纹波抑制和低输入输出压差的特性,具有的CE功能,可以关闭芯片的输出,因而极大地降低功耗。可直接替代National Semiconductor的LP3984IBP芯片使用.
The XC6204/6205 series are highly precise, low noise,  positive voltage LDO regulators manufactured using CMOS processes. The series achieves high ripple rejection and low dropout and consists of a standard voltage source, an error correction, current limiter and a phase compensation circuit plus a driver transistor. 
Output voltage is selectable in 0.05V steps within a range of 0.9V ~ 6.0V. 
The series is also compatible with low ESR ceramic capacitors which give added output stability. This stability can be maintained even during load fluctuations due to the excellent transient response of the series. 
The current limiter's foldback circuit also operates as a short protect for the output current limiter and the output pin. 
The CE function enables the output to be turned off, resulting in greatly reduced power consumption. 

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