![]() 商品名称:珮夫人鼻爽贴
意大利制造珮夫人鼻爽贴 8小时有效 **纾缓伤风鼻塞 Relief of Colds Symptoms **纾缓鼻塞敏感症状 Relief of Nasal Allergy Symptoms **纯天然成份 无药性 All Natural **无须接触皮肤 No Skin Contact **无不良副作用 No Side Effect ********意大利制造********* Made In Italy 有效成分:尤加利,百里香,山松精油。 Eucalyptus , Thymus and Pinus essential oil. 此产品无添加萘和樟脑成分,加入Bitrex极苦涩而无害成分,以防止小童意外吞服。 No camphor tar adn camphor added. Bitrex is a harmless and bitter additive added to this product to prevent children from accidentally swallowing. 功能:迅速纾缓伤风或鼻敏感引起的鼻塞,头痛及胸口闷等不适症状,可同时配合其他治療伤风及鼻塞的口服药物使用。清新的精油成份能纾缓鼻塞,促进呼吸顺畅,帮助入睡。鼻爽贴比一般通鼻薄荷膏效果更持久。 For fast relief of stuff noses,headache and chest congestion due to colds and nasal allergy. Ideal for use with oral colds and sinus medicines. Fresh essential oil can make breathe easier and sleep well. The duration hours of BreathEasy Patch is longer than normal rub cream. 用法:外贴于胸口位置之衣服上,无须接触皮肤。每片有效8小时,如有需要,建议每8小时更换一片。建议于睡前开始使用,效果更佳。 Externally stick on clothes at the chest position without skin contact. Each patch is effective within 8 hours if necessary. For better result, apply during sleep. 此产品用于舒缓伤风或鼻敏感所引致的不适,要根治伤风感冒病症,应向医生求诊。 注:孕妇及6个月以下婴儿慎用。6岁以下儿童需由家长指导下使用 规 格:9片 售 价:78元 香港鸿丰医药代购网
Hong Kong Hong Feng Medical Web 全国订购热线: 400-003-9084 网站: http://www.hongfenghk.com 博客: http://blog.sina.com.cn/hongfenghk 电邮: hongfenghk@foxmail.com QQ: 1151372917 |