广东省汕头市新一代礼品文具,是一家礼品、工艺品、饰品、文具[手袋]的生产企业,是经国家相关部门批准注册的企业。主营购物袋、卡通钱包、CD包、卡通铅笔盒 笔袋、环保袋、手提袋 资料袋 文具袋 购物袋 文件袋 卡通笔袋 无纺布袋 保温袋 学生包 学生袋 布料包装制品 礼品袋 资料袋 档案袋 文具笔袋 电脑包 CD内页 光盘袋内页 档案袋 化妆包 化妆袋之类产品。碟包[goldbat]本着“客户第一,诚信至上”的原则与多家企业建立了长期的合作关系。热诚欢迎各界朋友。中外客商前来参观、下单,考察、洽谈业务。本公司产品主要销售国外市场如东南亚 美国 日本 加拿大。。。薄利多销是本公司的生产原则。诚信为主,质量第一。还承接来料,来样加工业务,价格实在,质量第一,交货及时,欢迎咨询联系 Shantou City, Guangdong Province, a new generation of gift stationery, is a gift, handicrafts, jewelry, stationery [handbags] production company, is approval by the relevant state registration of enterprises. Main shopping bags, cartoon wallet, CD bag, pencil cartoon pencil boxes, bags, stationery kits kit bag paper bag shopping bag non-woven bags of insulation bags cartoon pencil students students pack bags of fabric gift bag packaging products information Portfolio Stationery Pencil Case Bag computer disc pocket inside bag CD portfolio package of the products page. Golden Bats CD package [goldbat] the spirit of "customer first, honesty first" principle and the number of enterprises established long-term cooperative relationship. Warmly welcome friends. Chinese and foreign businessmen to visit and the next single, study, business negotiations. Our products are mainly sold overseas markets such as Southeast Asia, USA, Japan and Canada. . . Small profits is the company's production principles. Faith-based, quality first. Also undertake incoming sample processing business, the price is, quality, prompt delivery, please consult links