The handy medicated oil for every household. It is so convenient to carry. It has many effective uses. A few drops will work wonders. It is effective for both adults and children. And it's low in price. Seasons Fafe Oil consists of valuable ingredients in accurate proportion. It is pure in colour, pleasant in taste and entirely free from drastic substance. A few drops taken internally is pleasant and soothing: the oil is mild and yet effective in action and is suitable for both adult and children. It is an indispensible medicine for home, tavel, estates and mines
1. Not to be taken internally.
2. Before applying medicine, reduce fracture or dislocations first.
3. For children of application should be proportionally reduced. In order to avoid overstimulation of skin and inflammation. For adults, also follow the above directions accordingly.
4. In case of open wound, bleeding must be stopped first. Then rub with this medicine around the wound. Never rub into the wound.
5. Never bandage the wounded area tightly, in order to prevent disturbance of circulation and blisterformation.
产品编号﹕WT041 售价︰28元(网上订购)
永达堂“四季平安油”产品已透过香港标准及检定中心(The Hong Kong Standards and Testing Centre Ltd.) 测试报告(Testing Report)为合格产品。