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polyester spiral dryer fabric

规格1: 规格1未填写
规格2: 规格1未填写
规格3: 规格1未填写
单价: 面议
起订: 5 件
发货期限: 自买家付款之日起 3 天内发货
所在地: 河北 衡水市
有效期至: 2011-10-20 [已过期]
最后更新: 2010-12-31 11:12
浏览次数: 3894

Company name: Fly Dragon Wire Mesh Co,Ltd.

We produce polyester spiral belt  made from first-class monofilament, in reference to Finland Standard, has the characteristics of stable property and long work time.

Advantages of Polyester Spiral Belt :
Flat surface, not easily cracked
Good air permeability
Stable property against heat and moisture
Low thermal shrinking
Less elongation at heat
Long lifespan

Application of Our Polyester dryer belt  Products
Polyester Spiral Desiccation Mesh is widely used in producing of paper, corrugated paper, paper for train fare, also used in filtration and sieving in environmental protection, pharmaceutical, mine, metallurgy, machinery, airspace and other fields.

Major Use of polyester spiral belt:
Producing of paper, corrugated paper, paper for train fare.Filtration and separation of air, liquid and solid in various fields


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