☆ 前后视频智能切换
☆ 高速高性能微电脑处理器
☆ 安装方便,接线简单
☆ 电压:9-16V
☆ 静态电源:<10mA
☆ 相对湿度:≤95﹪
一. 启动ACC,自动延时显示前视8秒。
二. 挂倒档时,自动显示后视。退出倒档后,自动切换到前视并延时15秒。
三. 在待机状态下,按下按键,前视长开,直到下一次按下按键关闭前视。
四. 在前视常开状态下,倒档可暂时中断前视,且自动切换到后视。
☆ 红线:ACC电源正极。
☆ 黑线:ACC电源负极,搭铁。
☆ 蓝线:倒车灯。
一. 摄像头视频输入端口傍边的小红线分别接前后视摄像头的电源供电正极。
二. 输出端口的小红线接显示屏触发线,如果原来显示屏触发线接倒车灯的,先和倒车灯断开,再接上这条小红线。
Car Front And Rear View CameraControl Box System XY-3026Thanks for purchasingour production. Correct installation and operation can make your driving safelyand conveniently. Welcome to purchase our Front View Camera, and Rear ViewCamera for this system.
1. Parameters:
Working Power:Max: 50MA, 12V DC
Systemsignal: PAL/NTSC Video output:1.0VPP/75Ω
Workingtemperature: -20℃-80℃
2. Description:
Front viewcamera power: supplied by control box system.
Rear viewcamera power: supplied by control box system, or could be supplied by reverselamp power.
1.Automatical front view whenstarting:
When car engine starts, the systemwill activate the car monitor and front camera to check the front view for 8seconds, then turn off.
2. Automatically rear view:
When you pull the reverse gear , thesystem will activate the monitor and rear view camera till the reverse gearback, then switches to front view camera video for 15 seconds then shutoff.
3. Front view always activate mode:
Press the control switch to enterFront view always activate mode.
In this mode, the system willactivate monitor and the front view camera always.
To quit the mode, press the controlswitch again.
Working priority: Back View>FrontView